    How to Get Started with Bybit Lending
    bybit2024-05-29 09:56:33

    Here is a step-by-step guide to help you start lending your cryptocurrencies on Bybit Lending.


    Before depositing funds into Bybit Lending asset pools, you must ensure that your funds are in your Spot Account or Unified Trading Account (if your account has been upgraded).


    Note: Currently, Bybit Lending is only supported on Bybit App version 4.16.0 and above. However, Bybit Lending on Bybit's website is coming soon. Keep an eye out for updates.



    Via App

    Deposit Your Funds

    Step 1: Locate the Bybit Lending Page

    Click on Bybit Lending on the homepage. Alternatively, go to Spot Account or Unified Trading Account (UTA) page if your account has been upgraded to UTA, where you can access the Lending option on the sub-menu. 





    Step 2: Choose an Asset to Lend

    1. Click on Lending to access the complete list of available crypto assets
    2. Enter the amount you'd like to lend from your available balance
    3. Agree to the terms and conditions
    4. Click on Lend 

    Please take note that the APY is an estimated real-time floating rate of return calculated based on the lending market conditions and it is not indicative of future returns. Be sure to read and agree to the terms in the Bybit Lending Agreement before proceeding with your investment.





    Step 3: Confirm Your Deposit

    Once you've verified all of your details, click on Confirm. Your request should take less than five (5) minutes to confirm.




    Check Your Deposit Status

    You can access the Lending page to view lending details, including redemption limit, estimated APR and the current loan pool’s utilization rate. There’s also an Interest breakdown so you can check your hourly yield details. 



    Redeem Your Funds

    Step 1: Click on Redeem on the order you wish to redeem on the Lending page.




    Step 2: Click on Redeem. Then, enter the amount you'd like to redeem and make sure that the redemption information is correct, and click on Redeem



    If you notice that the redeemable amount is less than your deposited amount, it may be because of a high Loan-to-Pool ratio limiting the redemption amount, or that you have already reached the daily redemption limit per user. To view the daily redemption limit for each token, please refer to the article here. 


    The deposited amount and interest earned will be credited to your Spot Account or Unified Trading Account (if your account has been upgraded) upon successful redemptions. 


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