Here's a step-by-step guide to depositing, withdrawing and viewing the transfer history on your Bybit Wallet and ApeX Pro account.
Step 1: After successfully connecting your Bybit Wallet with your ApeX Pro account, you can click on Deposit in the Assets column.
Step 2: Transfer assets from Bybit Wallet to ApeX Pro Account. ETH will be charged as a gas fee. The deposit will be credited within five minutes.
Please follow the steps below to transfer your coins:
Token: USDC (default)
Note: Currently, ApeX Pro only supports USDC Perpetual trading. If you select other token to deposit, it will auto swap into USDC.
Chain: Ethereum, BNB chain, and more
Amount: Enter the amount you want to deposit or click on All.
Note: The minimum deposit amount is 10 USDC.
Gas Fee: Choose your preferred gas Fee, including Slow, Average and Fast.
Note: You can view your estimated gas fee (ETH coin) in this column after you enter the amount. In order to make a successful withdrawal, please ensure you have a sufficient gas fee in your Bybit Wallet.
Then, click on Approve.
Your transfer request has been successfully submitted!
Alternatively, you can make withdrawal from Bybit Web3 wallet page to deposit into your ApeX Pro Account.
Select USDC in the Asset column, and you can withdraw USDC from Bybit Wallet to ApeX Pro Account. For more information, please visit here.
Withdraw Coins
Step 1: After successfully connecting your Bybit Wallet and ApeX Pro account, you can click on Withdraw in the Assets column.
Step 2: Transfer from ApeX Pro Account to Bybit Wallet can be done through fast withdrawal. Fast withdrawals utilize withdrawal liquidity providers to send funds instantly, without requiring users to wait for layer 2 blocks to be mined. You will have to pay the gas fee and a transaction fee of 1 USDC charged by ApeX Pro.
Asset: USDC (default)
Note: Currently, ApeX Pro only supports USDC Perpetual trading.
Amount: Enter the amount you want to withdraw, or click on MAX to make a full withdrawal.
Note: The minimum withdrawal amount is 10 USDC.
Then, click on Confirm Withdrawal.
Your withdrawal request has been successfully submitted!
View Your Transfer History
You can check your deposit and withdrawal records via ApeX Pro Dashboard. Please head to ApeX Pro, and click on Dashboard → Transfers to view your transfer history.