Dual Asset 2.0 is a short-term trading tool to facilitate your investment journey with higher returns and greater flexibility. Simply indicate the desired price for your crypto assets on a predetermined date. Then, depending on your assessment of the direction of the market trend, you can choose either to sell at high or buy on dips.
How Does It Work?
There are two types of products under Dual Asset 2.0: Buy Low and Sell High. For the Buy Low product, you can subscribe using stablecoin (USDT), while for the Sell High product, you can subscribe using the crypto assets (such as BTC, ETH).
On the settlement date, you’ll receive your return in either USDT or your subscribed crypto asset type, depending upon whether the settlement price reaches the target price. The settlement price is the average of the Bybit Spot market price in the 30 minutes prior to settlement time (i.e., 8AM UTC on the settlement date).
Buy Low Product
With stablecoin (USDT) as your subscription coin, you have a chance to buy your desired crypto at a lower price on a predetermined date (i.e., the Settlement Date) while accumulating more USDT with higher interest yields.
There are two scenarios on the Settlement Date.
1. Target price is reached:
On the Settlement Date, if the Settlement Price ≤ Target Price, the target crypto will be purchased at the target price with your subscription coin (USDT) and interest income.
2. Target price is not reached:
On the Settlement Date, if the Settlement Price > Target Price, the target crypto won’t be purchased, and you’ll receive your subscription amount and interest income in USDT.
Tip: In both scenarios, you’ll be able to earn interest on your USDT.
Return Calculation
As mentioned above, the return of Dual Asset 2.0 comprises two components: Subscription amount and interest income.
1. Target Price is reached:
Return = (Subscription Amount + Interest Income) / Target Price
Interest Income = Subscription Amount × APR × Subscription Period (in days)/365
2. Target Price is not reached:
Return = Subscription Amount + Interest Income
Interest Income = Subscription Amount × APR × Subscription Period (in days)/365
Trader A purchases a Buy Low product with the following parameters:
Trading Pair: BTC/USDT
Subscription Amount: 1,000 USDT
Target Price: $15,000
APR: 150%
Duration: 1 Day
On the settlement date, one of the following two scenarios will occur:
1. Target price is reached: The settlement price is $14,500, which is below the target price on the settlement date. Trader A will receive 0.06694064 BTC, based on the following calculation:
[1,000 + (1,000 × 150% × 1/365)]/15,000
2. Target price is not reached: The settlement price is $15,500, which is above the target price on the settlement date. Trader A will receive 1,004.10959 USDT, based on the following calculation:
1,000 + (1,000 × 150% × 1/365)
— On the Settlement Date, Bybit will use 8AM UTC as the juncture at which to decide if the Settlement Price has reached the Target Price.
— The proceeds from your Dual Asset order will be returned to you within five (5) minutes after Settlement Time (i.e., 8AM UTC on the Settlement Date).
Sell High Product
With Coin as the subscription coin, you have a chance to sell your existing crypto assets at a higher price on a predetermined date (i.e., Settlement Date), while accumulating more crypto assets with higher interest yield.
There are two scenarios on the Settlement Date.
1. Target price is reached:
On the Settlement Date, if the Settlement Price ≥ Target Price, your crypto and interest income will be sold at the target price, and you’ll receive USDT in return.
2. Target price is not reached:
On the Settlement Date, if the Settlement Price < Target Price, your crypto will not be sold, and you’ll receive your subscription amount and interest income in Coin.
Tip: In both scenarios, you’ll be able to earn interest on your existing crypto.
Return Calculation
For the Sell High Dual Asset plan, similar to the Buy Low product, the return is composed of subscription amount and interest income.
1. Target Price is reached:
Return = (Subscription Amount + Interest Income) × Target Price
Interest Income = Subscription Amount × APR × Subscription Period (in days)/365
2. Target Price is not reached:
Return = Subscription Amount + Interest Income
Interest Income = Subscription Amount × APR × Subscription Period (in days)/365
Trader B purchases a Sell High Dual Asset 2.0 plan with the following parameters:
Trading Pair: BTC/USDT
Subscription Amount: 1 BTC
Target Price: $18,000
APR: 150%
Duration: 1 Day
When the Dual Asset plan expires, one of the following two scenarios will occur:
1. Target price is reached: The settlement price is $18,500, which is higher than the target price on the settlement date. Trader B will receive 18,073.9726 USDT, based on the following calculation:
[1 + (1 × 150% × 1/365)] × 18,000
2. Target price is not reached: The settlement price is $17,000, which is lower than the target price on the settlement date. Trader B will receive 1.00410959 BTC, based on the following calculation:
1 + (1 × 150% × 1/365)
— On the Settlement Date, Bybit will use 8AM UTC as the juncture at which to decide if the Settlement Price has reached the Target Price.
— The proceeds from your Dual Asset order will be returned to you within five (5) minutes after Settlement Time (i.e., 8AM UTC on the Settlement Date).
Dual Asset is not a risk-free investment. The following risks are associated with Dual Asset:
Due to unpredictable market price fluctuations, there is uncertainty as to which token will be settled.
Due to market volatility, the returns on asset value are not guaranteed.
Subscribed assets are locked, which means you cannot cancel or redeem your plan before the Settlement Date.
In the event that the market price moves further away from the Target Price, you may lose the opportunity to buy or sell at a favorable price.
The trade can only take place based on the price on the Settlement Date.