Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can reach out to ApeX Protocol Support via ApeX Protocol Official Discord ticketing service.
Step 1: Log in to Discord
Please register for an account if you haven’t done so yet. You will also be required to verify your Discord account through an email/SMS sent to your registered email address, phone number or other 2FA options.
Step 2: Join the ApeX Protocol Official Discord Channel.
Step 3: Complete your verification process with the next few steps.
a) Close the welcome message by clicking on I’ll just look around for now.
b) You will arrive in the #✅get-roles channel. Click on Complete to agree to the server rules.
c) Read through the server rules and click the checkbox next to I have read and agree to the rules, then click on Submit.
d) You will now see the #✅get-roles channel again. Click on the ✅ emoji and wait for the server bot to verify you and assign you a role to access the rest of the channels.
Step 4: Proceed to our support channel.
Once you’ve received your role, you’ll be able to see the entire list of channels that you can access. Scroll down the list to find #🎟support-channel and click on it.
Step 5: Submit your ticket via the Ticket Tool.
a) Once in the channel, click on Create ticket to request for a new ticket.
b) The bot will generate a private channel for you. Click on #ticket-xxxx link to proceed to your private channel.
c) You can now type in the chat message field to inform our support team about your issue. Please wait patiently as our support team will get back to you shortly.
d) Feel free to hit the Close button if your issue has been resolved.