    How to Submit an Appeal for Your Ongoing P2P Order
    bybit2024-07-08 16:08:17
    On the AppOn the Website

    In the event of any P2P order discrepancies with the counterparty, we encourage users to utilize the Order Chat Box on the P2P Order Page to initiate communication with the counterparty. If your issue remains unresolved after communicating with the counterparty, you may proceed to submit an appeal, and our P2P Risk and Appeals team will provide further assistance.


    You can refer to this guide to submit an appeal when your order status is Coin Release in Progress. If your P2P order is Canceled or Completed and was closed within 5 calendar days, you may refer to this guide to submit an appeal. Otherwise, you can send a request via our webform to reach our Customer Support team for assistance. Please note that there is NO 100% GUARANTEE to recover your potential asset loss. 



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    In accordance with Bybit Terms and Conditions, every user is required to acknowledge the following:

    • Bybit will not be responsible for any losses in assets resulting from a user's failure to adhere to instructions or provide the proofs on Bybit within the specified timeframe.

    • Bybit will not be responsible for any losses in assets resulting from any trades made privately outside of Bybit’s P2P Trading platform. All P2P transactions should be conducted through Bybit’s P2P Trading platform, and neither Bybit nor merchants will conduct transactions with users privately.






    Here’s the guide on how you can get help in the appeal process if the P2P order is pending for coin release:






    Submit a P2P Order Appeal

    Step 1: To submit an appeal for a P2P order pending coin release, please go to the P2P Orders page and select the respective order.


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    Step 2: Click on Need Help?. Then, select the reason that best corresponds to your case and click on Get Help to receive the guidelines.


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    Step 3: We encourage users to take the initiative and communicate with the counterparty before submitting the appeal. By clicking on Contact Seller/Buyer, you can start communicating with the counterparty through the Order Chat Box on the P2P Orders Page.


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    Step 4: If your issue remains unresolved after communicating with the counterparty, you may click on the Submit Appeal button.


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    Note: The P2P HotSwap label only indicates that the counterparty is conducting a transaction via P2P HotSwap. It does not represent the specific coin discussed in the P2P Order Chat Box between buyers and sellers, whether it is an altcoin or a stablecoin.


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    Step 5: Upload the required documents as proof accordingly, then click on Confirm. Please note that you can submit up to four (4) appeals per day. Each order can be submitted up to two (2) times.


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    Below are the accepted documents and specific requirements for each valid proof, which help to facilitate the appeal process for both buyers and sellers:


    Required Documents

    For Buyer

    For Seller

    Transaction History and Video Recording

    Please ensure that the following information is clearly displayed:


    a. Be able to successfully log into your banking application.

    • Biometric logins are accepted.

    • If you are using a password to log in, you may start the video recording at the Two-factor Authentication page.


    b. Navigate to your account page, which clearly shows your name and bank account number.


    c. Navigate to the Transaction History page.


    d. Display the transaction amount, payee/payer name, payment date and time. 


    Refer to the article here for the guide on how to make a screen recording.

    Please ensure that the following information is clearly displayed:


    a. Navigate to your accounts page, which clearly shows your name and bank account number.


    b. Navigate to the Transaction History page.


    c. Display the transaction amount, payee/payer name, payment date and time. 


    Refer to the article here for the guide on how to make a screen recording.






    Step 6

    1. If you or your counterparty is using the Bybit App and has yet to update it to the version 4.37 or above, you will be using the old appeal system. In this case, a dedicated P2P Risk and Appeals specialist will join the P2P Order Chat Box within the estimated time to assist you further on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis once you have successfully submitted your appeal.


    1. If you and your counterparty both updated your Bybit App to the version 4.37 or above or if you are both using Bybit’s Website, the new appeal system will be displayed, in which case, please continue to read the steps and take note of the details below.


    Note: The difference between the two appeal versions is that the new appeal system allows users to check on their appeal progress details. However, it will not affect the appeal progress.






    P2P Order Appeal progress details (New Version only)

    We have optimized the new appeal version to have a clearer appeal progress details page and steps. To prevent unnecessary delays, it is important to carefully read the following steps and details.



    Step 7: Check your appeal progress by clicking on View Details/Learn More.


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    Step 8: You’ll see the Appeal Submitted and Appeal Status on the details page. A dedicated P2P Specialist will join the Order Chat Box within the Estimated Processing Time to assist you further on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis.


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    Note: Always click on the Refresh button to get the latest appeal status.






    Step 9: After the P2P Specialist joins the chat, the order will show Appeal In Progress. Take note of the following to avoid your appeal being automatically canceled and ensure it is processed smoothly.


    1. Provide the proof(s)/information required by following the instructions BEFORE the Estimated Processing Time ends.

    2. Always click on the Refresh button to get the latest appeal status.

    3. Read and follow the instructions to ensure your proof(s) meet the requirements.

    4. Click on Upload proof to upload your document for review.

    5. Once the file is uploaded, please click on I've provided all the proof. Proceed to notify the P2P Specialist/Counterparty.

    6. If you’ve reached a mutual agreement with the counterparty, click on Cancel Appeal.


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    If the proof provided doesn't meet the requirements mentioned, the P2P Specialist will reject the proof and you are required to resubmit it.

    If both parties didn't click on I've provided all the proof. Proceed within the processing time given, the appeal will be considered as invalid and it will be canceled automatically.



    There are some different statuses that you are requested to pay attention to and provide the requested document(s)/information(s):


    Appeal Status

    Action required

    For Buyer

    For Seller

    1. Providing Proof

    • Both parties are required to follow the instructions to provide the proof(s) and click on Upload proof to upload their documents.

    • Once the document is uploaded, please click on I've provided all the proof. Proceed to notify the P2P Specialist/Counterparty BEFORE the Processing Time ends.


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    Note: If both parties fail to provide the proof required and click on the button within the given timeframe, the appeal will be canceled automatically.

    2. Pending the Counterparty's Proof

    Please wait patiently while the counterparty provides the proof requested. No action needs to be taken at this stage. Remember to always click Refresh to check the latest appeal status.


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    3. Under Review

    Please wait patiently as the P2P Specialist will provide further assistance before the countdown timer ends.


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    4. Payment Refund Action

    A. Providing refund details

    You are requested to provide the refund details that align with the previous payer's details within the given timeframe. Click on I've provided refund details. Notify Seller. once you provided the refund details in Order Chat.


    Note: Failure to provide the refund details or not providing matching refund details with the previous payer within the timeframe might cause you to encounter asset loss.


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    A. Pending Buyer's refund details

    Kindly wait patiently while the buyer provides the refund details. No action needs to be taken at this stage.


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    B. Pending refund from Seller

    Please wait for the counterparty to proceed with the refund within the given timeframe. No action needs to be taken at this stage.

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    B. Refund in progress

    Once the counterparty clicked on I've provided refund details. Notify Seller, the status will become Refund in progress.


    You are requested to proceed with the refund to the previous payer.


    Kindly upload the refund proof in the order chat box once the refund is done and click I've refunded. Notified Buyer.


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    Note: You might encounter account restriction if you fail to refund the payment to the previous payer within the given timeframe.

    C. Confirming the receipt of refund

    Once the seller clicked on I've refunded. Notified Buyer., the status will become Confirming the receipt of refund.


    Kindly check your bank account to see if you received the correct refund amount. If yes, please click on I've received the refund. Cancel appeal. to proceed with CANCEL ORDER after the appeal is canceled and select the correct order cancellation reason.


    DO NOT click on the button if you didn't receive the refund payment. The P2P Specialist will join the chat again and provide further assistance after the countdown timer ends.


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    C. Pending Buyer's confirmation of refund receipt

    Please wait patiently while the buyer is checking if the refund has been received and the amount is correct. No action needs to be taken at this stage.


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    5. Additional Proof Required

    A. Providing additional proof

    You are requested to provide additional proof and follow the instructions given by the P2P Specialist in the order chat box. Once the proof is submitted, please make sure you have clicked I've uploaded all the proof. Proceed.


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    B. Pending additional proof provided by the counterparty

    Please wait patiently while the counterparty is providing the requested proof. No action needs to be taken at this stage.


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    6. Request for Payment Top Up

    A. Upload proof of the second payment

    Please top up the remaining balance and upload the payment proof by following the instructions. Click on I've paid and uploaded the proof. Notify Seller. once done.


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    Note: Failure to top up the remaining balance within the given timeframe might cause you to encounter asset loss.

    A. Pending Buyer's second payment

    Kindly wait patiently while the buyer is topping up the remaining amount. No action needs to be taken at this stage. Remember to always click Refresh to check the latest status.

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    B. Pending Seller's confirmation of receipt

    Please wait patiently while the seller checks and verifies your payment. No action needs to be taken at this stage.


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    B. Seller is confirming the receipt of payment

    Check your bank account and verify that the correct amount was sent. 


    If the payment has been received, click on I've received the payment. Cancel appeal. Once the appeal has been canceled, you may proceed to the order details page and release the coin to the counterparty.


    DO NOT click the button if you didn't receive the payment or if the payment amount is incorrect. The P2P Specialist will join the chat again after the countdown timer ends.


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    7. Pending Seller's response

    The seller is requested to update his decision to the P2P Specialist. Please wait patiently as the P2P Specialist will provide further assistance after the countdown timer ends.


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    Please check the message sent by the P2P Specialist in the order chat box and respond in the order chat box once you have made your decision before the countdown timer ends.


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    Note: Failure to respond within the given timeframe might lead to asset loss.









    Cancel Your Appeal

    Appellants can always cancel the appeal in any appeal progress. If you have submitted an incorrect appeal by mistake or reached consensus with your counterparty, you may follow the steps below to cancel your appeal. 


    Please be aware that appeals can be canceled up to two (2) times per order and four (4) times per day, specifically two (2) times for buy directions and two (2) times for sell directions.



    Step 1: Go to the relevant appeal page and click on Cancel Appeal.


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    Step 2: A confirmation message will appear. Please click on Yes to proceed. Your appeal will be canceled immediately.


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